Sunday, August 9, 2009

paper writing = boring

hello all, been pretty buys lately with school :(, grr I dislike summer school. I am trying to write this research paper, but its hard to sit still and actually work on it. Ok so heres a pic of me getting out of the shower. I will be taking it down soon so look at it fast lol. please dont steal the picture or anything like that, or I wont do it again.

Pic deleted

My restoring of my foreskin is going along pretty well, little sore but it will get better as time goes on, I think lol.
Well I had an awesome week, hopefully you guys did 2.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hey everyone sorry I havent posted in a while, just been a little busy lately with school and work.
I need to write some papers and they I am behind on :(, and they keep asking me to work extra hours while its summer still.

Well i started restoring the foreskin. I started about a week ago. I started with the t tape method because I have a tight cut, but I noticed a big difference so far. I have about twice as much loose skin now. I will probably start using a device that I have its called a cat, but I need to get more skin to start using it so I have to keep up with the T tape method. Its kind of annoying because I have to cut the tape every night. I am getting good at it though, but I like to give my dick a little air so I just take it off every night in the bath so it doesnt hurt when I take it off.

Work is going ok, kind of boring lately but its ok.

School is well boring, teacher just reads out of the book all the time, and treats us like we are 10 year olds.

Brothers are doing good :), my youngest brother is actually thinking about restoring to, but hasnt for sure made up his mind yet, hes 11 years old.

I need to start writing my papers :(.

Thanks to new people who read my blog :), and please dont feel like you have to read my blog all the time, its pretty boring lol but I appreciate it.

I will put the picture of me back up soon :) I will take a new one, only because I got a lot of comments on how cute I was lol. Thanks I really needed that boost :).

The Amazing but boring Corey